Car rental offers
See offers and discounts for car rental Athens . Call or visit our offices to find out more information.
Monthly rental offers
Fiat Panda 1.2 pop 2018
€290 / month
Final price!
Offer valid until 30/04/2020. For a limited number of cars.
Monthly car rental for 3 months 290€ per month final price.
Included 7,500 km Liability insurance, Mixed with exemption €500 fire – theft with exemption €500 roadside assistance, fees, maintenance.
Deposit of €500 returnable upon expiry.
Fiat Tipo 1.3 MTJ Diesel 2018
€460 / month
Final price!
Offer valid until 30/04/20120. For a limited number of cars.
Monthly car rental for 3 months 460€ per month final price.
Included 10,000 km Liability insurance, Mixed with exemption €600 fire – theft with exemption €600 roadside assistance, fees, maintenance.
Deposit of €600 returnable upon expiry